Recent Publications Elsewhere

- published 10 Aug 2024

As the Product Owner at Strobbo for the past five years, I’ve been part of a transformative journey—one that we’re incredibly proud of. Recently, I’ve had the chance to share our story through various publications and collaborations:

Cognitive Load And The Product Owner

- published 13 Jul 2024

A recent publication by Jürgen De Smet and Viktor Grgic on Cognitive load and the recent Org Topologies course I followed, got me reflecting on my role as a Product Owner/Product Manager. We often focus on the cognitive load of development teams, but it’s crucial to consider our own too. As Product Owners, we handle a lot—from talking to stakeholders and prioritising backlogs to keeping the team aligned with the product vision. We too should be managing our cognitive load better, in order to support our teams more effectively and make the whole product development process smoother.